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Arenas “Go Green” Too!

Arenas Can "Go Green"In today’s world “Green is good”!! When thinking about how horse arenas “go green”, it’s all about environmentally-friendly choices. Most people don’t realize that correcting old habits, may be an easy way to implement, a greener environment in your arena!

Arenas can be dusty places, and the most common method of controlling dust is through watering. The key is to water heavy and seldom, rather than frequent and light for the best results. However, in large arenas, you could be using up to 3,500 gallons of water a day, just to keep dust under control. Switching to a dust-free footing can conserve thousands of gallons of water each week and is a great way to help arenas “go green”.

Another option to consider is installing footing made of recycled materials. Look for dust-free footing comprised of ground up rubber shoe soles, tire buffings or other recycled rubber/fiber materials. Recycling used rubber material to create a dust-free footing was how IGK Equestrian decided to implement environmentally-friendly choices to help horse arenas “go green”.

TruStride™, a Dust-Free Arena Footing by IGK Equestrian not only eliminates the need for watering—ever—but it greatly reduces maintenance. Its environmentally-friendly combination of recycled rubber, silica sand and synthetic fibers provides a flexible and resilient riding surface making it a popular choice among arena owners worldwide.


Let IGK Equestrian some ways your arena plans to “Go Green”?